- Medical Society -
AKK is a residential community located less than a mile from the University of Iowa's Carver College of Medicine. We provide both long and short-term housing for up to 24 medical/health professional students. Every year, we welcome new residents who share in our vision of respect, community, and fun.

With 23 housemates, busy schedules, late nights, and early mornings, it is imperative to respect people's need for quiet and privacy.
We live in a big house with people hailing from a multitude of cultures and religions. Our house dynamic is shaped by mutual respect and it helps us come together and function as one happy family.

At the heart of our community is, well, our stomach. We celebrate each resident's birthday with cake, and have informal potlucks, dinners, and celebrations to mark any occasion we can come up with.
Twice a year, we host parties for our classmates, usually followed by an epic, biannual AKK cleaning day.

Residents from different classes and programs frequently get together for gatherings both in the house and around Iowa City.
Things we do for fun: Volleyball, Nerf Wars, Water balloon fights, Kayaking, Picnics, BBQs, Costume parties, Zombie tag, Board games, Potlucks, and much more.
Alpha Kappa Kappa in Iowa City was part of a national fraternity organization. Our chapter dates back to the 1920s when the new hospital complex on the west side of the river was being constructed. Prior to 1925, AKK occupied other rented houses before purchasing this lot on Teeters Court. Two additional lots were later purchased to provide the house with a yard and parking lot. The national AKK fraternity became defunct in the 1960s and AKK at the University of Iowa has been an independent fraternity since.
In the 1990s the house welcomed their first female residents. Today, there is a good mix of both male and female residents, medical and other health students, both traditional and non-traditional. We are now considered an inactive fraternity, in that we do not carry out classic fraternity traditions, but we still maintain the values of professionalism and community.
International Students, interviewees, or medical students on rotation.
Year long students for both fall and spring semester.